About Amber

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Awesome city, In a state, United States
Im Amber and i like to draw and play music.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Amber is really anxious...

Hello everyone, and welcome to this blog post...
 wow...^o^  School starts August 8th, and today is the 30th...Ahhhhhhh! 9 days left of summer vacation!!! wow i'm so nervous...
Could anyone tell me what public 7th grade is like,
and maybe some advice? Just leave a comment...
*chuuuuuu* ^-^


  1. I'm going into seventh too, but in sixth grade I went to middle school and basically it's what you see on TV with lockers and you have to go to different classrooms for each class and you get two or three electives and you have a bunch to chose from like mine are band and biology anatomy... Oh and ignore the bullies 0.0
    So that's all I got for advice ^_^

    1. your'e in band? i am too (i'm public schooled now and i like it alot!!!) sorry for the mega-late reply! =^.^=
