About Amber

My photo
Awesome city, In a state, United States
Im Amber and i like to draw and play music.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Amber is really anxious...

Hello everyone, and welcome to this blog post...
 wow...^o^  School starts August 8th, and today is the 30th...Ahhhhhhh! 9 days left of summer vacation!!! wow i'm so nervous...
Could anyone tell me what public 7th grade is like,
and maybe some advice? Just leave a comment...
*chuuuuuu* ^-^

I'm posting a lot more!

WOW... >_<
I've been posting a LOT more often!
well... I'm just really stressed!!!
 Kawaii graphics
My little sister is soooo annoying! :(
Well, could anyone give me some advice?
Just leave a comment...
   Kawaii graphics

Thursday, July 11, 2013

School? O_o

Hey everyone! @}---   <--- (that's a flower)
Whats up? Well? WELLLLLL? (LOL)
Umm... let me think... Oh Yeah! i have some news for you~!
well, I'm going to a really awesome water park after tomorrow!
Here's a pic of the wave pool at the same water park i'm going to:

well, looks fun huh? i couldn't find any good pics on google of
my Favorite ride, but i needed at least one pic, right? RIGHT?! (LOL)
oh, and im going back to school in 3 weeks! I'm going to public school for the first time in 2 years!
(I was homeschooled for the 2 years i wasn't in public school)  So I'm really excited about that!
Well, my computer's about to die... so, goodbye!